- المعلم: Mohamed TABBI
- المعلم: hanane bessami
- المعلم: achi Fatine
- المعلم: zerrouki Nadia
The literature module familiarizes students with essential literary movements of English Literature and their major works. It creates a space for students to scrutinize the literary styles, themes, and historical as well as ideological contexts that outline each literary movement. Through an amalgamation of theoretical and practical sessions, students can grasp the essence of each literary movement and the historical and ideological forces that shape them. The course will include lectures, discussions, and activities encouraging critical thinking and close reading. Students are expected to read the required or primary materials before class and actively engage in discussions. By the end of the course, students will have developed a nuanced appreciation of literature and be able to contextualize and analyze texts within their respective periods.
- المعلم: KHERIF Sonia
- المعلم: Dr Lynda Djoudir
- المعلم: Mohamed HENNI
- المعلم: FATMA DIABI
- المعلم: Mounya BEY